Rolf Oppliger studied computer science, mathematics, and economics at the University of Bern, Switzerland, where he received M.Sc. (1991) and Ph.D. (1993) degrees in computer science. In 1994-95, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) of UC Berkeley, USA.
In 1999, he received the venia legendi for computer science from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, where he was appointed adjunct professor in 2007. The focus of his professional activities is on technical information security and privacy. In these areas, he has published 18 books and many scientific articles and papers, regularly participates at conferences and workshops, served on the editorial boards of some leading magazines and journals, and has been the editor of the Artech House information security and privacy book series since its beginning. He’s the founder and owner of eSECURITY Technologies Rolf Oppliger, works for the Swiss National Cyber Security Centre NCSC, and teaches at the University of Zurich. He was a senior member of the ACM and the IEEE, as well as a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the IACR. He also served as vice-chair of the IFIP TC 11 working group on network security.
A word cloud is available here.
Curriculum Vitae
Rolf Oppliger’s Curriculum Vitae is available in Adobe’s portable document format (PDF).